Did Mars hide life in its watery pockets?
Clays and carbonates found in a Martian crater might be deposits from groundwater that could have nourished life long after the planet's surface dried up
8th-century tree rings hint at close-range space blast
High levels of carbon-14 in two Japanese cedars may be one of the first signs of a nearby gamma-ray burst
3D sonar uncovers skeleton of Civil War battleship
One hundred and fifty years after it went down in battle, the bones of the paddle-wheel steamship USS Hatteras have been scanned on the seabed
Barack Obama promises US action on climate
A bold strategy to combat global warming and the aim to lead the world in clean technology are at the centre of the US president's plans
Threatwatch: The greatest risks to world stability
Some 3000 top corporate and political bosses are meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos to hear about the threats we all face
Robot-assisted 3D printer aids march of the machines
An all-in-one robotic fabricator can mill, drill and assemble the pieces created by a 3D printer
Sacrificing Einstein: Relativity's keystone has to go
Our hopes of finding a theory of everything depend on upsetting a balance that Einstein cherished, says Stuart Clark
Global mercury treaty will take decades to work
140 countries have agreed a deal to cut mercury pollution, but it will be a long slow process getting the toxic metal out of the environment
Could botox change your life for the better?
In The Face of Emotion, Eric Finzi explores how one of the world's most popular cosmetic procedures could alleviate depression
A theory of everything won't provide all the answers
We shouldn't be obsessed with finding a theory of everything, says Lisa Randall, one of the world's most prominent theoretical physicists

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